At the Clinique Lamese in Lomé, Togo, patients are greeted by the words 'Ensemble, nous vaincrons' (“Together, we will win”), a motto that reflects the unwavering commitment of Dr Virginie Teko, its founder and a general practitioner for 30 years. Virginie's dream was to make medicine accessible to all, particularly in the field of gynecology & obstetrics, in order to improve women's health. Today, in her clinic founded over a year ago, Virginie offers to women a comprehensive consultation service providing the very best gynecology and obstetrics care, as well as pediatrics and surgery and thus ensures that women can give birth in a safe and trustworthy environment Recently, the young entrepreneur was able to acquire a new ultrasound scanner, which has considerably improved the quality of her obstetric consultation services. The fact that she is now able to successfully meet the growing demand for treatment is also thanks to the financial support of a relative in Germany and the WIDU Grant.

How the WIDU Grant is helping to provide more qualitative obstetric consultations
In her Clinic, Viriginie Teko works with a team of four -all women-, whose expertise and professionalism ensure the quality of care and support for her female patients. Despite her experienced team, the founder has had to cope with a growing demand for appointments in recent months, especially due to the low cost of treatment offered. To better manage the flow of patients, one of the solutions was to improve the quality of her equipment and acquire a new ultrasound scanner.
Taking part in the WIDU.africa funding program provided her a quick solution. Together with Eliezer Petieu Dihewou, a friend living in Germany, they applied for the Original WIDU Grant. Virginie obtained a private investment from Eliezer, her diaspora promoter, which was later doubled by the WIDU Grant, enabling her to purchase new medical equipment and hire a new member of staff.
"The new ultrasound machine has been a great addition to the centre. Our work is easier thanks to the good resolution of the machine, and the quality of the image on screen is much appreciated by our pregnant patients.”
Satisfied with her participation in WIDU and especially the support she received from the WIDU coach, Virginie is now moving forward in developing her offer and providing support tailored to the needs of pregnant women. Concerned about the well-being of her patients, the Clinique Lamese recently teamed up with sports professionals to offer fitness sessions specially adapted for pregnant women.

Virginie Teko wins the WIDU Togo Award in the "Innovation" category
To reward the impressive development of her business, Virginie won in October 2023 a WIDU Award Togo in the "Innovation" category. She convinced the jury with her project that improves medical care to women. Thanks to a new ultrasound scanner, she can now offer a wider range of obstetric consultations. Through her commitment, she is helping to prepare women for motherhood, supporting them during pregnancy and ensuring that a new life is born safely and in good health.