Find out more about WIDU by watching our WIDU explainer video below. It demonstrates how you - a member from the African diaspora in Europe - can support your friend or family member in Africa in doing business.

In this section diaspora donors as well as entrepreneurs find further information on the WIDU application process, available WIDU grants, the investment plan - which is a key element of the application - and further eligibility requirements.

Our Explainer Video

Free WIDU Information Sessions and Support

Find out how to take part in free WIDU information sessions and trainings provided by African diaspora associations, to prepare and support your application process.

WIDU flyer
WIDU flyer Flyers Download

This leaflet provides you with general information about the WIDU project, the process and the funding. The leaflet can be downloaded and printed in the following languages: AmharicEnglish, German, French and Swahili


Do you have more questions?

Visit our comprehensive FAQ page.

WIDU is always free of charge

We do not ever ask diaspora donors or African entrepreneurs, nor their relatives or friends, to pay for our services. WIDU funding and coaching is and will always be provided for free.
Do not under any circumstances agree to give a share of your WIDU grant to a broker or a middle-man. These brokers/middle-men are breaking the law and will be sued by us.