WIDU has been promoting micro and small businesses in Kenya since November 2020, and growing in strength each day. In cooperation with the Kenyan diaspora living in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, WIDU supports micro and small businesses to ensure employment and livelihoods. In addition to the financial grant our qualified business coaches are providing tailored business management skills to entrepreneurs from all over the country thereby positively transforming sustainable, innovative and profitable businesses.
WIDU Award Kenya 2023
We hosted our second WIDU Award Kenya Ceremony on December 7th 2023 in Nairobi. For the first time ever, we relied on the support of participants, fans and partners to chose the winners of six of alltogether eight categories: green businesses, social enterprises, digital awards, food security, service industry, youth entrepreneurs, regional champions and the coach of the year award.

Click on this link and learn more about the 2023 WIDU Award Kenya competitors.
Local Calls in Kenya
In June 2022, WIDU.africa introduced a new type of funding for existing micro- and small businesses in its six partner countries: The Local Call. This is the only grant type of WIDU that does not require support of diaspora members.
In Kenya, entrepreneurs were able to apply for two different Local Calls:
#Green Kenya
Currently, the application for both Local Calls is closed.
Local Call: #FoodSecurityKenya
With rising food insecurity taking center stage owing to the enormous challenges posed by COVID-19, Russian-Ukraine War and changing climate, WIDU Kenya supported micro and small businesses response efforts for a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient recovery of their agriculture and food systems.
Within this context, WIDU Kenya encouraged proposals that aim to increase the impact of agricultural and food systems interventions through emphasis on cross-cutting areas of gender, climate resilience, and improved nutrition outcomes.

WIDU's Local Call: #FoodSecurityKenya aims to increase the impact of agricultural and food systems interventions. Find more information about application, eligibility requirements and other useful support on our Local Call: #FoodSecurityKenya Website.

This leaflet provides you with general information about the Local Call: #Green Kenya. It can be downloaded and printed in the following language: English
The Local Call: #Green Kenya
WIDU.africa offered a new grant type targeting green businesses in Kenya. We aimed to support micro and small enterprises interested in building a sustainable green future in their communities.

WIDU's Local Call: #Green Kenya aims at green businesses in Kenya. Find more information about application, eligibility requirements and other useful support on our Local Call: #Green Kenya Website.

This leaflet provides you with general information about the Local Call: #Green Kenya. It can be downloaded and printed in the following language: English
This flyer provides you with general information about the WIDU project, the process and the funding in Kiswahili.
Quotes from Coaching Organisations
"The importance of combining financial with non-financial support is critical to developing enterprises. Working on the GIZ-WIDU project resonates with our purpose as Private Equity Support of facilitating early stage financing through the development of an investor ready pipeline within the SME segments. This de-risking is critical to crowding in more capital, even the informal friends and family pools of capital, as WIDU has successfully shown."
Diana Gichaga, Managing Partner, Private Equity Support, Kenya